Better Than Profiles in the Video Communications ? 森川 治,橋本亮一
Most of studies on the video communications are based on an unproved hypothesis: They take it granted that the full-face images of communicators are the 'sine qua non' in video conversations, and profiles are rather confusing or annoying for them. This paper proves the counter hypothesis that profile images are also useful and they can replace the full-faces under some conditions. Psychological experiments authors had are analyzed, and it concludes that the essential point is whether communicator feels his/her partner's attention is focused on him/herself, for which there can be many alternatives other than full-face images.
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Shanghai Cancer Center News
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山本政儀,松 井正夫:北 陸大学薬学部放射薬 品学教室 金沢市金川町 ホ3番 地 〒g20-11 五十嵐修一,吉 岡満夫, 早川博信,北 川貞治:福 井県衛生研究所放射能課 福井市原 目町39-4 〒910 Radionuclides/Glycerol/Sediment/Normalization The concentrations of 239Pu and 137Cs due to fall-out, and 60Co originating from the nuclear power reactor in the sediments sampled at Urazoko Bay, Fukui Pref., Japan, were determined and their correlation with the particle size or the amount of g...
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So-called radiation-induced tumor cases following radiation therapy have been collected for the purpose of elucidation the relationship between ionizing radiation and carcinogenesis. Presented in this paper is a summary of cases obtained from biopsied and surgical materials. Materials were 64,082 cases with tumor or tumor-like lesion registered to the Nagasaki Tumor Tissue Registry during a 12-...
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2011 年,致力于改善医护服务的 慈善组织 Bravewell Collaborative 委托进行了一项调查,以确定目前 美国的综合医学实施情况。29 个 发展完善的综合医学中心参与了本 调 查,本调查旨在了解患者人数 及最常诊治的病症、所采用的核心 实践及护理模式、服务的付费方 式、护理所包含的价值和原则以及 推动成功实施的主要因素。本调查(美国的综合医学:综 合医学在美国临床中心的实施情 况)刊发于本期《Global Advances in Health and Medicine》中,于 2012 年 2 月首次发布。多数相关 研究调查的是所使用的补充康复 手段的类型以及使用者,而不是 使用原因,最重要的是,没有调 查与之共同使用的手段。这是首 次深入调查实际综合临床实践, 就此而言,数据揭示了患者的整 体(身体、心智及精神)治疗情 况、协同使用传统与补充干预治 疗的方法、不...
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عنوان ژورنال:
دوره شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2002